Monday, September 5, 2011

Why You Have To Think For Yourself

It is truly amazing to see the lack of insight, understanding and math skills wrapped up in a noble prize winning economist. Yet Paul Krugman of the N.Y. Times proves daily and hourly - in his blog -  how woefully lost and out of touch with economic reality he has become.

In today's N.Y. Times piece "On The Inadequacy of the Stimulus" he argues that the Fed didn't spend enough money to get the economy going. That is truly myopic. We didn't just do one stimulus package, we have done 5 since 2008 and everywhere you look pundits and economist's like Krugman are calling for a bigger QE III!  Are you all insane!?!  What?!? You don't believe we have had 5 stimulus packages?!?  Follow the Money...Start with the Original TARP and give away monies to AIG & the Auto Industry. $ 540 billion to backstop money market funds in 2008, Obama's $ 787 Billion TARP II stimulus in January of 2009, QE Lite in August of 2010 and QE II in November of 2010 and they are clamoring for another and most likely will get it. Why hasn't any of this stimulus worked and why won't the next QE work?  Simple. Fraud and Greed.  The money has been spent on speculation on Wall Street in search of big gains and bigger bonuses and has completely missed Main Street with loans to new businesses and industry. It all about jobs, Mr Krugman, and sitting in an ivory tower pontificating about whether consumers will stop saving and spend again is idiotic. The American public can't spend without a good paying job!  They can't buy a house or pay the mortgage without a good paying job! They can't move the economy forward while working at Walmart. Hey Krugman!, It's all about good, family supporting jobs that don't exist in America anymore, they have been outsourced to China & India!

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