Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Has the Rule of Law officially left the building?

These mind blowing admissions from the Attorney General of the United States
claiming that the TBTF banks can't be prosecuted for fraud, money laundering,
insider trading or any other crimes because it will effect the economy?!?!?

Did you even notice?   Do you even care?

From Dave In Denver:


"I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do will have a negative impact on the national economy"  - Eric Holder, Attorney General, United States of America, 3/6/2013  LINK
Think about what Holder just said there for a moment.  He just said that the banks can get away with whatever they want because if the law is enforced upon them, it might hurt the economy.  

You can read the rest of Dave's comments on his site link below

Link to The Golden Truth Website

Karl Denninger is even more adamant that the government ADMITS that they will not prosecute big banks for fraud, money laundering, robo-signing, etc. This admission by AG Holder is his admission that "crimes were committed and intentionally ignored" is grounds for impeachment. Our government is intentionally ignoring the Rule of Law in the USA.

Our government is disintegrating before our eyes and ears.

This is an admission of guilt under oath and before Congress that the government,
specifically the Attorney General of the United States, will not follow the laws of the land and that the banks and government can get away with crimes and murders.

From The Market-ticker website......

Our Disintegrating Government
There's only way to look at this folks.
WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder's stunning admission that it was difficult to prosecute large banks because of the potential economic impact may be a turning point of the drive to break them up.
It's not stunning at all.
It is, however, an admission of what we have known for years.
Now the pants of "Nobody committed any crimes" have in fact been artfully dropped to the floor and what's in our face is the ugly anatomical truth that crimes were committed and intentionally ignored.
That is something that Congress and the Administration had better fix -- right now.
The Rule of Law works and guides a just society only because it applies to everyone.
Nobody gets to rape, rob, pillage or murder.  If you do, no matter who you are, you face the same punishment, the same process, the same sentence.
We all know there are disparities in the process and always have been.  But there's a difference between the foibles of mankind -- everyone has their bias, and there is no such thing as a human process that is flawless -- and intentional, designed-in or willful refusal to prosecute certain people for acts that land others in prison.
The latter is the defining action of a dictatorship.
A dictatorship can only exist by declaring war upon the people.  When a certain subset of the population is given license to pillage or worse that is the very definition of "diktat" from which the term "dictatorship" comes.
Fast and Furious, incidentally, falls into this category as well.

The rest of the Market-Ticker article is linked here....

This is a defining moment in our history. Our government has admitted that they won't follow the Rule of Law, Thus, dictatorship is brewing.

Time to think about what you want to do to change this blatant abuse of power by our leaders. As Mr. Denninger suggests...."Are you willing to take peaceful, lawful action now in a bid to prevent the spreading of gross lawless and violent action later?"

I hope you will think about a peaceful, appropriate response to the President and Congress.

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