Monday, April 22, 2013

Irish Banks Go Cyprus On Pensioners....Are You Next?

From the

As Forewarned, The Irish Savers Have Just Been "Cyprus'd"
And There Is MUCH MORE "Cyprusing" To Come!

Monday, April 22, 2013
Reggie Middleton writes.......

This is likely to be the biggest financial story of the month, a story that's bigger than
Cyprus, and a story that you're not going to see in American mainstream media - not by a
long shot. Let's take this from the top, for BoomBustBloggers were warned weeks in advance. On Wednesday, 27 march 2013 I published EU Bank Depositors: Your Mattress Is Starting To Look Awfully Attractive - Bank Risk, Reward & Compensation  wherein I explained that the situation of extreme loss faced by Cyprus bank depositors, savers and bondholders will not be a unique story - as excerpted:
The deposit accounts that you were getting just a few hundred basis points for have developed:
    1. Liquidity risks: The capital controls that weren't supposed to happen (see  No Capital Controls In The EMU? Liar Liar Pants On Fire), happened! See Cyprus Banks Set To Reopen, To Serve As Glorified ATMs With A €300 Cash Withdrawal Limit 
  1. Credit risks: Your so-called safe investments will suffer up to a 40% haircut!  Mainstream Media Says Cyprus Salvaged By EU Deal, I Say Cyprus Is Sacrificed By Said Deal - Thrown Into Depression
  2. and Market risks: Demand depositors have forcibly purchased highly speculative synthetic call options with their haircuts that are  unlikely to compensate anyone for anything!  
  3. The little app below calculates what return you should expect to receive to take on the risk of a potential 40% haircut. The second tab offers what recent Cyprus bank rates were. Do you see a disparity???

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