Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is September 7th, 2011 the Beginning TEOTWAWKI?

TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It.

If you haven't been paying attention to the frothing churn of the Euro banks
outrageous dancing around the financial armageddon abyss of Greece, Italy
and most recently France's  Bank Societe Generale, you should be.

On Septemeber 7th, 2011, German courts are going to rule if it is legal for
Germany to loan 440 billion Euros to the EFSF Rescue Fund. The issue is,
if this proposed German loan breaks Treaty law or will undermine German
fiscal sovereignty.  Either way, this will set off torches and pitchforks across
Germany and then the rest of Europe.

The German populace, already seriously angry about bailouts to Greece and
Ireland and want nothing to do with loaning anymore Euros to, well anymore

German politicians are denouncing any more German participation in the
EFSF and there are rumblings about Germany returning to the Deutsche
Mark, essentially destroying the Euro as a currency.

You can read Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's assessment here in today's Telegraph.

What does this mean to you and why should you care about European issues?
Well, if  European banks fail, and I believe they will, this will become a world
banking contagion.  Yep, Something Wicked this Way Comes to the shores
of North America in a digital  nanosecond and "POOF" there go the unstable
and illegally insolvent, To Big To Fail  American banks like Bank of America,
Wells Fargo, Citibank and JP Morgan Chase.

This is real, live as it happens news going on right now, today.

This is bigger than hurricane Irene and no doubt about it, reeking much more damage to
everyone in the world.

Are you prepared? Do you have a banking tsunami kit for you and your family?

You should. If you don't, you should consider putting one together ASAP!

So will TEOTWAWKI jump up and bite us in nine days?!?

Maybe it will, maybe it won't, but it will be soon.

The banks, The Fed and Mr. Bernanke might be able to slow ride this crisis through September
and into October. Timing is very difficult to spot.

Remember, it is Not a matter of  if, it IS a matter of when.

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