Mr. Obama, our ringmaster in America's "political circus," is proposing a job creation plan, The American Jobs Act, that he wants passed "right away," -like a spoiled child - is, unfortunately, just another "stimulus" scam posing as economic relief. As America's unemployment rate stretches to over 22% and recent polls showing Mr. Obama's approval ratings falling to new lows, the cynical American sees this as election pandering. I noted that Mr. Obama avoided using the word "stimulus" in describing his job package, but that is exactly what his jobs bill proposal is, nor did he say what this package would cost. This is the same scheme used by snake oil salesmen and slimy used car vendors. Get the client excited about the shiny new purchase, without mentioning pricing. That pricing will start with Granny having to move in with you, and it will cost you an arm, a leg, and your children's future, yet this is what Mr. Obama is doing with this package. Even if Mr. Obama gets everything he wants and the Republicans agree and pass the bill, it won't work and it will not help America. And in fact my be seriously DOA already. Republicans are lining up opposing Mr. Obama's American Jobs Act. This is part of the Democrats plan and was expected. The Democrats plan to use Republican opposition to the jobs bill to hammer Republicans as Anti-
job. That is the alternative plan Mr. Obama is counting on using to hammer the Republicans and get reelected in 2012.
I have pointed out many times in recent posts that none of the stimulus packages have worked, regardless of who the president was at the time.
Bush, the second's stimulus packages in 07, didn't work. And, not only haven't Mr. Obama's 4 recent stimulus packages worked to turn around the economy, his new jobs proposal won't work either. Government stimulus never has the intended effect that government is hoping to cure. Why? Because the stimulus frequently is misdirected, say by recapitalizing the BIg Banks and Wall Street who take the money and use it in the casino of the markets, where they have been betting on commodities, driving up the costs of energy and food, causing riots in Egypt and North Africa and paying big bonuses to themselves. None of this money has trickled down and created substantial, sustainable new jobs for main street, quite to the contrary, stimulus frequently was used to poach talented workers from other businesses and didn't target areas of the country with high unemployment. And where it has, the cost of job creation has been enormous on a job created to cost basis, as well as exacerbated by delays in implementing plans and unprepared bureaucrats. The stimulus packages have been increasing the National Debt to the point where for every dollar created, 40% is used to pay the interest on that stimulus. Finally, stimulus packages are full of political pork and shrouded in a bungling federal bureaucracy.
I suppose it can be perceived that it is easy to sit back and take shots at the President's jobs plan, but that isn't the case. I want real answers for the real problems that we face today. Creating new stimulus plans with short term payment options that are not permanent won't give employers the opportunity to make long term business plans that would possibly include hiring new employees. However, the bottom line is that Mr. Obama and his economic team have no clue about how to turn around our economy. Obama has pretty much gotten everything he has wanted to turn around the economy and has failed miserably. He has passed almost a trillion dollars in stimulus packages, additional hundreds of billions in auto industry bailouts, cash for clunkers that has ruined the used car business, mortgage modifications, ObamaCare, jobless benefits for a record 99 weeks, the list goes on. Yet Mr. Obama or the rest of Congress, Republican and Democrat, have no solutions going forward.
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